The subject of prayer to a modern day believer has been taken lightly. Few believe in the prevailing power of prayer. The fact remains that if we are to prevail in life, we must first prevail in prayer. Jacob was a good example, it was said of him that, “… as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. However, it is not enough just to pray. We must endeavour to pray rightly. This timely book by Brother Ayodeji Olusanmi set out the simplicity that is attached to the platforms which makes prayer work. This book will stop the cycle of unanswered prayer in your life. It has been written to enlighten us so as to actualize the immense potential that praying carries.

The word is still the same, “... The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working] James 5:16. AMP.

The Prayer That Works, get it at Amazon

The softening of the heart of a man is not the job of a man. I had a dream, my old time school friend who dressed as though mad stepped on my toes and went his way doing as if nothing happened, meanwhile, he waited and paused a minute to see what my reaction would be, then he would have taken offence to fight me, but I, knowing his thought by the Holy Spirit, i did as though he never stepped me. He came back, spoke out his mind that he wanted to see what i would say, but then, he broke down and was sorry for his actions, then I answered, "THE SOFTENING OF THE HEART OF A MAN IS NOT THE JOB OF A MAN" for we know that it is not by power nor by might but by the HOLY SPIRIT. For he said he will give a new heart, a heart of flesh and the stony one shall be removed!