Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences 2 Corinthians 5:11 I had a vision of the night on the 12th of October 2008, it was a frightening scene. I saw a tall huge muscled man in the sky; he had a sword on his left hand and a bible on the right hand side. I saw people of many colours and differences ages running up and down, they ran up the mountain and ran down, it was a moment of terror, it was horrible to behold. Fear got hold of everyone present. It was the day of the Lord.

As they ran up and down to seek hiding, they found none, eventually they ran towards this man standing in the sky, as soon as they get to about 20inch of him two straight lines was formed. Some people went on the right hand side and majority were on the left hand side of this man. The people that ended up on the left hand side was pierced through by the sword in their belly and blood was flowing out whilst the people on the right hand disappeared as they touched the bible.

As I saw this terrifying scene, I could not but scream and shout. I shouted, and cried out loud, “COME TO CHRIST”, I shouted very well. I saw that terror and I could not keep quiet.
I wanted to validate what I had seen by the scriptures and I was amazed of how many scriptures I found. Please look them up. Joel 2, Is 13:6-15, Ez 30:3, Amos 5:18-20, Zeph 1:15-17, Malachi 4:1-3, Matthew 25:31-34, 2Peter 3. I had the privilege to tell the members of the Church I currently at the writing of the book, I found myself begging and pleading with them to take their Christian race serious. I don’t want any man’s blood on my head. I know the terror of the Lord, you can not stand it. The coming is imminent, hence, my persuasion. I beg you please be reconciled unto God. Drop that wickedness, drop that sin, and drop the immorality, masturbation, adultery, homosexuality and that which the scriptures forbid. Please, it is for your own good.

Thought focus: It is either eternity with God or away from God. You are a spirit, spirit do not die! You will live forever, either heaven or hell.

Prayer: I refuse to go to hell in the name of Jesus; whatever is in me that will take me to hell shall be destroyed in Jesus name.

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