What Seek Ye

Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou? John 1:38

Whenever the Lord speaks, it startles the carnal mind. It may be in form or sermon or questions. His words burns! He had many followers and at some point he was weary of them. He asked them a deep question, “what do you want, why are you following me?” unlike many modern day preacher, we would not question the motive of our followers, but from this passage, the Lord personally taught me a lesson. Even if my leaders will not question why I do what I do. I will examine and question myself!

Leadership may not ask as some might find it offensive to ask, however hard it seem, it is still good to ask.

The Lord taught me that He must be the one I seek, if I try to seek something else there will be lack of fulfilment. Many in the church seek different things. Some seek for miracles and if they do not get it at the time they want it, they will move to another church. You find such going from one church to another, changing church as though it were cloth! Such people are often victim of manipulation and deception.

Some other people seek position, the danger about this is that once you get to that position you have always sought, you will become stagnant and start dying. Do not get me wrong, it is good to desire good and best position in life, but it must be by divine precepts and arrangement. Do not engage in anything deceitful in other to attain a position, if you do, you will not last. You will not be productive. In fact, I warn people against position. Do not seek position. Seek something more meaning and the position will come knocking at your door.

I have been privileged to be in position of leadership from my young age, as early as 24; you know I can boldly say that I have never wanted it. I liked it and admire those there, but I just developed myself and more importantly, it was God’s will and design for my life.

Though focus: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and every other thing shall be added to you, including position.Prayer: Lord make me effective in whatever position you put me in Jesus name.
